Kamis, 30 April 2015

Flashing Firmware Samsung Galaxy Young S6310

Berhubung barusan saya habis flash galaxy y s6310, sekarang saya mau share / posting cara flashing firmwarenya. Jika anda punya galaxy y s6310 yang bootlop / error bisa langsung ikutin cara di bawah ini.

Do With Your Own Risk

Hanya Untuk Galaxy Young S6310

Download bahanya terlebih dahulu :

Tutorial Flashing :

1. Extract Odin v3 dan Firmware galaxy Young S6310 yang sudah di download

2. Install samsung usb driver di laptop / komputer anda

3. Buka Odin v3 lalu ceklis PDA dan pada kolom PDA pilih Firmware S6310 yang sebelumnya sudah di extract

4. Pastikan yang tercentang hanya Auto Reboot dan F.Reset time. jangan pernah centang Re-Partition
5. Matikan Galaxy Young S6310 anda, Tekan tombol volume down + Tombol tengah + Power bersamaan, nanti muncul peringatan tekan tombol volume up
6. Colokan usb ke Galaxy Young S6310 anda, jika kotak dibawah ID:COM sudah terisi angka klik tombol start dan tunggu sampai Galaxy Young S6310 anda selesai di flashing dan masuk Homescreen

Minggu, 19 April 2015

Cara Membuat Charger USB Portable Menggunakan Battery 9V

Tak terelakkan lagi kebutuhan hampir semua orang akan butuhnya charger portable untuk menyertai kegiatan di luar rumah mereka. Gadget seolah kebutuhan pokok yang tidak akan ada habisnya untuk dikonsumsi, atas dasar inilah saya mencari ide untuk mencoba ide sederhana yang bisa bermanfaat untuk anda gadget lover.

Harga sebuah charger portable atau umum disebut dengan power bank sangatlah mahal untuk sebagian orang, tidak semua bisa merogoh koceknya, dengan artikel ini saya harap anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi ya bepergian jauh keluar rumah. Anda bisa setiap saat charger iphone, android, atau smartphone anda... sampai puas.

OK, lanjut saja ya. tanpa panjang lebar berikut komponenya yang perlu anda siapkan

  • Type A Female USB port
  • Lemparan papan PCB sekupnya
  • IC LM7805
  • Resistor 160 ohm (optional)
  • C1 100uF/ 50v
  • C2 0.1
  • Led 2,2v 240mA (optional)
  • 9v battery clip
  • Switch ON/OFF

Perhatikan gambar rangkaian dibawah ini, gambar rangkaian menggunakan saklar (sw) dan menggunakan led indikator berwarna hijau.
 Atau anda bisa tentukan pilihan tanpa menggunakan keduannya, sehingga gambar rangkaian tampak terlihat simple sekali
Tempatkan komponen seperti terlihat pada rangkaian di atas ya... 
Setelah pemasangan komplit hasil bentuknya terlihat kecil dan bisa dicangking kemana saja tanpa banyak makan tempat bukan. Bila anda masih bingung jangan sungkan konsultasikan dengan saya ya...

Instruksi lengkap Cara Membuat Charger USB Portable Menggunakan Battery 9V, download klik disini

Proyek Lain Seputar Power Bank Serba Guna 9 Volt

Proyek lain hari ini adalah masih seputar USB sebagai charger serbaguna untuk keperluan charger gadget atau smartphone lainnya. Sumber tegangan yang masih utama adalah dari battery 9v yang mudah didapatkan.

Cara pembuatannya sangat mudah dan praktis siapa saja bisa membuatnya, kalau anda jeli ini bisa menjadi hal kreatif dan bernilai jual lho. Apalagi sekarang harga sebuah power bank masih terbilang mahal.

Oia, jangan lupa sebelum anda merakitnya perhatikan gambar rangkaian skematiknya ya, sebenarnya menganut prinsip dasar power supply menggunakan IC LM7805

Langkah 1:
Bahan dan komponennya:

  • Battery kotak 9volt
  • IC LM7805
  • Led hijau 3mm
  • Resistor 1K ohm
  • Lem Expoxy 5 menit
  • Cutter
  • Kikir besi
  • Gergaji besi
  • Penggaris
  • Ampelas air
  • Kabel secukupnya
  • Type A Female USB port

Langkah 2:

Langkah 3:
Langkah 4:

Langkah 5:

Langkah 6:

Langkah 7:

Itulah langkah singkat, maaf ya kali ini lagi bad mood mau menjelaskan langkahnya panjang lebar, anda lihat sendiri ya pentunjuk praktisnya. kalau ada kesilitan jangan sungkan tanyakan ke saya, kalau suka saya
Instruksi lengkap Proyek Lain Seputar Power Bank Serba Guna 9 Volt, download klik disini. Berminat untuk pemesanan produk ini silahkan klik sini 

Membuat Power Bank Canggih Tanpa Baterai

Apa kabar rekan tronika... Pernahkah anda terpikir hidup tanpa listrik selama berhari-hari?! Sedang kebutuhan akan gadget tidak terbendung lagi. Saya pastikan Anda bingung mencari colokan listrik buat isi ulang ponsel atau smartphone anda hee heee pasti galau tingkat dewa rasanya.

membuat power bank

Mungkin anda berpikir selama ini menge"cas" ponsel mesti harus ke colokan/ steker/ jack/ stop kontak listrik bukan? Sebenarnya banyak cara agar ponsel tetap selalu prima tanpa listrik. Nah. dalam artikel kali ini akan saya kupas men-charger ponsel dengan putaran tangan. Nggak percaya?! yuk simak cara pembuatannya.

Cara darurat semacam ini sangat cocok sekali buat tempat tinggal yang sering padam listriknya atau bagi rekan tronika yang sering berpetualang ke gunung, pelosok-pelosok, atau di gua sekalipun. Yang pasti sangat cocok untuk segala kondisi kecuali rekan tronika sedang berenang.

OK, langsung saja

Ada dua opsi komponen inti yang bisa anda gunakan

Opsi 1: Menggunakan IC stalizer LM 7805
Tegangan output motor DC 12Volt dengan menggunakan LM 7805 tegangan dapat dibatasi sebelum masuk ke ponsel Anda. Menggunakan opsi pertama ini pernah saya kupas tuntas dan panjang lebar di artikel saya tentang cara membuat power bank sendiri lengkap dengan kumpulan rangkaian power banknya silahkan dibaca langsung.

Untuk membuatnya sendiri langsung simak saja artikel tersebut bila ada pertanyaan seputar pembuatannya bisa tangyakan di kolom komentar ya.

Inti rangkaian ini memanfaatkan tegangan lebih tinggi bagian input dari pada tengann outpunya. Untuk mengetahui berapa besar daya yang dikeluarkan anda bisa menggunakan rumus sederhana seperti di bawah ini
Power = (Tegangan input - Tegangan output) x Arus yang tersedia pada power supply/ baterai
Opsi 2: Menggunakan Modul Step down XL4005 atau LM2596
Modul step down (penurun tegangan)  ini sangat disarankan untuk penggunaan proyek kali ini. Selain tegangan output lebih stabil dengan potensiometer sensitif, arus keluar juga lebih terkontrol sehingga lonjakan arus tiba-tiba. LM2596 mampu menurunkan tegangan secara konstan input 3-35V. Selain itu harga produk ini juga tidak terlalu mahal tetapi dengan manfaat yang banyak, selain itu pula Anda bisa mengaplikasn module ini untuk segala kebutuhan catu daya berapapun tegangannya. Untuk mendapatkan modul ini bisa anda dapatkan dengan harga Rp 35.000 di halaman produk bermanfaat ini.

rangkaian power bank

Alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan

  • 12V DC Geared Motor putaran renda dengan rotasi 100rpm
  • LM2596 (atau persamaan XL4005) IC based Power Supply module
  • 1N4007 Diode
  • Female USB connector
  • Roda
  • Kabel secukupnya
  • Obeng
  • Multimeter
  • Solderan
  • Gunting
  • Scissors

Semoga tips sederhana ini sangat berarti dan membantu meringankan beban anda di pedesaan yang sering padam lampu.

Rabu, 15 April 2015

Overdrive & Distortion

The overdriven sound of a valve power amplifier is highly desirable, with many different output stage designs to produce the variety of trademark sounds heard on modern recordings. The only problem is that a valve power amplifier is only capable of producing this sound at one volume (usually, fairly loud!).
Dummy speaker loads (the good ones are not just resistive, they need to simulate the reactive load of a speaker) allow a player to use one amplifier in a variety of playing situations and styles by running the amplifier at the desired level, and using the dummy load to regulate the volume level. Another option for the playing musician is to use a variety of amplifiers, however, this approach appeals only to rare wealthy musicians.
There are probably 3 distinctly identifiable types of valve power amplifiers used:
  • Leo Fender's classic early designs used 6V6 tubes, and later, the higher powered 6L6's. This gave a characteristic full and punchy sound, suitable for many styles of the day, and later. Steel and country players like the chime-like clean sounds, and blues players were quick to discover the classic way it breaks up when pushed hard. At really high overdrive, though, the sound becomes quite dirty, with bass in particular sounding flabby.
  • Marshall designs started as Fender copies, but soon switched to EL34 output tubes, possibly for local supply reasons. Anyway, the rest is history. These tubes exhibit a softer overdrive transition, and maintain clarity even at high overdrive levels. They also have a limited middle response, giving rise to the famous Marshall crunch sound. The lower powered EL84 tubes have similar characteristics.
  • Vox AC30 (and the more popular top boost model) uses a Class AB power amplifier design, with the valves biased "hot", so while this operates in class A at lower levels, it is really a class AB design. There's no negative feedback in the power amp either, so this gives a different sound, often described as a sweeter overdrive. Listen to Brian May's sounds for plenty of good examples.
The Fender and Marshall designs use class AB for their output designs, biased with the valves almost off with no signal. This is more efficient (more watts per tube), and better for tube life. When you play, tubes take turns handling each half of the signal. This leads to some minor distortion as the tubes cross over which is all but eliminated with the negative feedback. Class A designs are rare in medium to high power guitar amps, but true class A has the tubes operating at half power with no signal applied. When you play, the tube fluctuates between full and no power, so there is no switching to add unwanted distortion. This is a very superficial explanation; please read elsewhere on the Internet for more detailed descriptions.
Boutique amplifier builders offer composite designs, offering characteristics of all designs. This can be done dynamically (by responding to picking strength and volume settings), or with various switching schemes. Mesa Boogie has built it excellent reputation for tube preamp overdrive and tone shaping designs, used in conjunction with high quality tube power amplifiers. For most of us, we can use a wide range of effective stomp boxes for our overdrive and distortion sounds.

Clipping top
There is much history on the attempts to recreate the desirable overdrive sounds with various non-linear preamplifier designs. When a player tests one of these devices, the first impression is usually formed on the type of overdrive character and tone produced, and players will be looking for sufficient flexibility in the controls to tailor this to their personal tastes. The basic types of overdrive are generally classified as soft and hard clipping.

Soft Clipping

This is usually marketed as "overdrive", where the gain is inversely proportional to the input signal level. This is typically produced either with back to back silicon signal diodes in the negative feedback path of an op-amp, or with germanium diodes or LEDs back to back in a shunt to ground.
Overdrive Circuit

Alternate Overdrive Circuit

Hard Clipping

Usually marketed as "distortion", where the signal level is restricted within a range. This is typically produced with silicon diodes back to back in a shunt to ground. This is the same as the circuit above, using silicon instead of germanium/LED diodes. Here's a picture of what soft and hard clipping do to your guitar signal:
Soft & Hard Clipping
There are some other criteria which players will notice (not necessarily immediately) when using these designs:
The ability to retain timbre
Different guitar pickup combinations produce recognisable signature sounds of the instrument used. By its nature, overdrive will mask this timbre to some extent, however, many musical styles prefer to retain as much of the original character as possible.
Inter-modulation distortion
Again, by its nature, overdrive will produce inter-modulation distortion when two or more notes are played together. For just two notes played, inter-modulation distortion produces an additional note with a frequency of the difference between the original two notes. For chords, where up to 6 notes are played, the combinations of note pairs can produce an unrecognisable mess of distortion.
On the other hand, this is actually desirable in musical styles which use mainly power chords, because in this case, the inter-modulation distortion adds a note which is tune with the chord. For other styles, where a player may want to hold one note and bend (change the pitch of) another, a slurring bass note occurs which is generally quite undesirable. This can be minimised to some extent by limiting bass response.
Sustain vs Dynamics
One of the key desirable features of overdrive is the sustain produced, however, too much sustain will destroy the dynamics. Players will also want to use the overdrive sound for single note solo work, and be able to turn down their guitar volume (effectively reducing the gain of the overdrive preamplifier) to clean up the sound for chord work. Some designs are better than others in this ability to compromise sustain and dynamics. Designs that give the impression of 'switching' from overdrive to clean as a note fades are usually perceived as sounding unnatural.
Frequency compensation
Because preamplifiers are generally connected between the guitar and the amplifier tone circuit, there is no pickup equalisation to compensate for reduced treble response. Consequently, it is usual to limit the bass response before the overdrive section. While it would be logical to boost it after the circuit, this makes the inter-modulation distortion more noticeable, so this is often not done.
The overdrive circuit itself adds higher frequency components to the sound simply because the overdrive circuit is non-linear. These must be cut to preserve some tone similarity with the unprocessed sound, and to also remove unwanted high frequency components. Most players prefer this to be adjustable, to suit their own tastes.

Classic Designs top

Facts and opinions

In writing these pages, I have tried hard to avoid giving my opinions; instead I've tried to give you just the facts so you can draw your own conclusions. I'll let you decide how successful I've been. In talking about some classic overdrive pedals, though, I think I can add some value by giving you my impressions of how these pedals sound to me. I've also shown portions of the schematics of these pedals to explain their unique features. These schematics are not complete; they show only the effect signal path, and not all component values are shown. Please don't email me asking for these values, because I don't know what they are. Of course, if you do know and want to tell me ...
MXR Distortion +
Although labelled as distortion, this is a soft clipping device, using germanium diodes. It's a good example of how little you need for a good basic sound. You could easily swap (or switch) these diodes to silicon types for hard clipping.
MXR Dist +
ProCo Rat Distortion
Not necessarily the next pedal chronologically, but look at how similar this design is. It uses 2 silicon diodes for symmetrical hard clipping. I would also expect that at high gain settings, the IC also clips to the supply rails.
Pro Co Rat Distortion
Ibanez Tube Screamer
No discussion on overdrive pedals is complete without looking at the Ibanez Tube Screamer. There have been several minor variations of the pedal released by Ibanez, and a larger number of variations sold by boutique pedal manufacturers. As our guitar heroes die, it seems the equipment they used sometimes takes on a mythical status. In my opinion, this is the case with the genuinely legendary Stevie Ray Vaughan and the Tube Screamer. This results in some silly prices for original pedals, and a lively market to convert different pedals to Stevie's model.
Nevertheless, the green Ibanez box is a very smooth sounding pedal that retains the guitar timbre well, and for that reason works well with single coil guitars. There is not an enormous amount of drive available, and the tone control is subtle. Like many overdrive pedals, there is some middle boost, caused by the bass cut before overdrive, and treble cut afterwards.
Another common use for these pedals is as a middle booster to drive a valve amplifier harder. This is done by setting little or no drive, but with the level set high.
In the schematic, you can see two silicon diodes, back to back, in the negative feedback path of an op-amp. This arrangement gives symmetrical soft-clipping.
Ibanez Tube Screamer
Boss Super Overdrive SD-1
These were originally sold without the tone control. The design is nearly identical to the Ibanez Tube Screamer with 2 important changes. More boost is available, but is partly offset by using 2 diodes in one direction and only one in the other. This produces asymmetrical soft clipping, meaning that one side of the waveform is clipped more severely than the other. A more common implementation of asymmetrical clipping is to use 2 silicon diodes, with a germanium diode in series with one of them.
There is lively debate on the Internet about whether this sounds more natural, and whether it better emulates some asymmetric valve phase splitter designs. In any case, I think it does add a little character, and therefore suits humbucker guitars well.
Boss Super Overdrive SD-1
Marshall Pedals: Blues Breaker, Drive Master & Shred Master
These three pedals were released in the early 90's, and use different clipping and tone shaping techniques to deliver different sounds.
The Blues Breaker uses silicon diodes in series with a resistor, in the op-amp feedback path for very soft clipping. It's therefore a very subtle pedal, with warm sounds at low to medium overdrive, but can sound a little fuzzy at high gain. Retention of guitar timbre and dynamics is good, and intermodulation (read above) is acceptable.
Marshall Blues Breaker
The Drive Master uses LEDs shunting to ground for symmetrical soft clipping. I like this pedal for its howling Marshall stack-like qualities with single note solos and power chords. Dynamics are good at high drive levels, retention of timbre is excellent, but intermodulation is a problem for anything but simple chord work.
Marshall Drive Master
The Shred Master is not quite the animal its name implies. It uses silicon diodes shunting the signal to ground, for symmetrical hard clipping. Bass and treble controls, and a contour control offering middle boost and cut sounds give a wide range of usable sounds, although I'm not convinced shred is one of them. Retention of dynamics is good, intermodulation is OK, and retention of timbre is good at low drive settings.
Marshall Shred Master

Do It Yourself! top
Here's a circuit that combines many desirable features. Feel free to experiment with the component values. For example, using lower value capacitors around the tone control will give a brighter sound, and vice versa. The capacitor on the left sets the tone at fully clockwise, while the one on the right sets the minimum tone sound.
This circuit has been updated for 2002. A buffer mode switch has been added - see the notes below (normally you would just wire this permanently the way you want to use it. Also, thanks to Todd Modjeski who pointed a correction required for the input over-voltage protection.
The circuit features are:
  • Battery power is connected by inserting a mono guitar plug into the input socket This power supply uses a voltage divider to provide half-supply voltage bias to the circuit
  • Input over-voltage protection (the 1K resistor and 2 x rectifier diodes)
  • High impedance unity-gain buffer (the BC549 transistor) to interface the high output impedance of a guitar with the following circuitry
  • High pass filter (the 2.2K resistor and 0.15uF capacitor) to compensate for the natural low-middle emphasis of guitar pickups
  • Soft-clipping non-linear amplifier (the 1st half of the TL072 and the 4 diodes in the feedback path) with variable gain control
  • A switch to use soft-clipping (overdrive), or apply hard clipping (distortion, with the 2 diodes to ground)
  • Low pass filter to compensate for the high harmonics added in the clipping stages (the 6.8nF capacitor)
  • The Tone control is a variable low pass filter (50K pot and a second capacitor) to allow you to customise the amount of treble cut
  • An output buffer with 6dB of gain to provide a low impedance output
  • A Level control to allow you to use the pedal to boost or match normal guitar levels (or use as a middle booster with low gain and high level settings)
  • A footswitch to use or bypass the circuit
  • When bypassed, the overdrive effect is shorted, so no background "fizz" bleeds into the clean signal
  • LED indication to show when the effect is on, used with a Zener diode to restrict available voltage to the LED to give early indication of battery failure
  • Bypass mode switch - use hard bypass to preserve original tone (and for bypass to work even if the battery is dead), or use buffer mode to drive long leads without treble loss, or to drive other effects such as volume pedals without tone loss
GM Arts Overdrive Pedal


The Op Amp should be any dual low noise device, such as a TL072. The 1N4148 diodes can be any small signal silicon diodes. The 1N4004 diodes can be any 1 amp rectifier diodes (eg 1N4007 is OK also). The input buffer transistor should be any high gain low noise device, such as a BC549.
The top left portion of this circuit supplies 9V power and 4.5V bias to the rest of the circuit. Connect all the 9V points together, and connect all the 4.5V points together.

Kamis, 09 April 2015

Firmware Advan S3A

*Firmware/Stock Rom.
*Sp FlashTools versi terbaru (juga boleh) dan 
 MTK Driver bisa cari di Google.

1.Extraxt Firmwarenya, karena bentuknya rar.
  -> Di dalam situ ada "scatter file.txt"

2. Buka SP Flahtools dan klik disitu "Open Scatter Loading"
3. Pilih Scatternya dihasil extract tadi
    -> Nama scatter MT6572_Android
     Otomatis akan kecentang semua

4.  Jangan lupa masukin SECRO juga
     File SECRO tidak ada di firmware
     centang SECRO dan cari file SECRO
 -> ini SECRO Download disni;

5. Terus klik Download/Mulai.
    Nanti SP Flash Tools siap menunggu HP connect.

6. Siapin HP dalam "Keadaan mati".
    (Jika belum terkoneksi boleh dicabut dan pasang lagi HPnya.)

7. Colokan Langsung ke komputer.
    Nanti SP Flash Tools bakal berjalan otomatis proses.
    Kalo selesai Loading akan berjalan dan gambar HIJAU/SUKSES.

8. Nyalakan HP Kembali.

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Cara Install Ulang/Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000

Cara Install Ulang/Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000

Sebelum kita membahas
Cara Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 Sebaiknya kita persiapkan dulu alat perangnya supaya Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 bisa berjalan dengan lancar. 

Perlengkapan yang diperlukan Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 :
1. HP Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000
2. Kabel Data 
3. Odin 3.7 , Download Klik Disini
4. Firmware Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000, Download Di situs Resminya samfirmware.com 
       atau disini stock rom
5. Driver USB ( jika perangkat tidak bisa terhubung ke komputer) Download Klik Disini

Jika semua Alat Perang sudah di siapkan sekarang kita masuk ke  Cara Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000, Ikuti Langkah dibawah ini :

1. Buka dan Extract Odin 1.85 dan Firmware Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 Yang sudah di download ,

2. Matikan HP Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000
, kemudian hidupkan ulang  dengan cara menekan tombol (volume bawah + home + power) secara bersamaan . setelah itu akan ada notifikasi untuk masuk ke mode "download", kemudian tekan tombol "volume atas/up". nanti akan muncul seperti gambar dibawah ini 
(Ini Gambar Samsung Galaxy Core , sebagai Conohnya saja karena caranya sama)

3. Buka Aplikasi Odin  dan Hubungkan Smart Phone Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 dengan kabel Data ke Komputer kemudian jika berhasil tersambung akan tampil seperti gambar dibawah ini , Jika tidak coba ulangi beberapa kali .
4. Kemudian klik "PDA" dan pilih firmware  yang sudah di extract tadi "S7270XXUAMFC_S7270OLBAMF6_S7270XXUAMF5_HOME.tar.md5" yang sudah kalian estrak. ceklis bagian "auto-reboot" dan "f. reset time".

5. Jika langkah yang diatas sudah dilakukan , Sekarang tinggal KLIK Start dan tunggu Prosesnya sampai selesai 

6. ketika prosesnya selesai, Nanti akan muncul Tulisan "pass" dalam kotak bewarja hijau. dan kemudian HP anda akan restart secara otomatis 

7. Langkah terakhir adalah  Selesai hehe  :D . Perangkat anda sudah bisa digunakan kembali

Perhatian : Jangan melepaskan kabel data pada langkah no 5 , jika anda tidak mau Samsung Anda rusak atau blank

Cukup Sekian Tutorial Cara Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 , Semoga Tutorial Cara Install Ulang/ Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 dapat bermanfaat bagi anda